BS_AUTOCHECKBOX 检查框,按钮的状态会自动改变 Same
as a check box, except that a check mark appears in the check
box when the user selects the box; the check mark disappears the
next time the user selects the box.
BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON 圆形选择按钮,按钮的状态会自动改变 Same
as a radio button, except that when the user selects it, the button
automatically highlights itself and removes the selection from
any other radio buttons with the same style in the same group.
BS_AUTO3STATE 允许按钮有三种状态即:选中,未选中,未定 Same
as a three-state check box, except that the box changes its state
when the user selects it.
BS_CHECKBOX 检查框 Creates a small square
that has text displayed to its right (unless this style is combined
with the BS_LEFTTEXT style).
BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON 默认普通按钮 Creates a button
that has a heavy black border. The user can select this button
by pressing the ENTER key. This style enables the user to quickly
select the most likely option (the default option).
BS_LEFTTEXT 左对齐文字 When combined with
a radio-button or check-box style, the text appears on the left
side of the radio button or check box.
BS_OWNERDRAW 自绘按钮 Creates an owner-drawn
button. The framework calls the DrawItem member function
when a visual aspect of the button has changed. This style must
be set when using the CBitmapButton class.
BS_PUSHBUTTON 普通按钮 Creates a pushbutton
that posts a WM_COMMAND message to the owner window when
the user selects the button.
BS_RADIOBUTTON 圆形选择按钮 Creates a small
circle that has text displayed to its right (unless this style
is combined with the BS_LEFTTEXT style). Radio buttons
are usually used in groups of related but mutually exclusive choices.
BS_3STATE 允许按钮有三种状态即:选中,未选中,未定 Same
as a check box, except that the box can be dimmed as well as checked.
The dimmed state typically is used to show that a check box has
been disabled.
CButton::GetCheck( ) 得到当前是否被选中,返回0:未选中,1:选中,2:未定。调用void CButton::SetCheck(
int nCheck );设置当前选中状态。