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嘉宾简介:Jixun Foo
 2001-06-05 13:39:06

  Jixun Foo
  Associate, Asia Pacific Region, Draper Fisher Jurvetson ePlanet Ventures
  Jixun Foo joined Draper Fisher Jurvetson ePlanet Ventures as an Associate for the Asia Pacific Region. Prior to this, Jixun was a Manager with the Finance & Investment Division, National Science & Technology Board (NSTB) of Singapore, where he focused on investing in venture capital funds and assisting early stage technology companies. Jixun joined NSTB from Hewlett Packard (HP) in December 1995. He was an R&D engineer and project group leader, where he successfully developed the HP Deskjet 400 printer. Jixun graduated from the National University of Singapore (NUS) with First Class Honors in Engineering, and subsequently received a M.Sc. In Management of Technology from the NUS Graduate School of Business.





