中华网科技 http://tech.china.com
2005-07-27 13:51:02
大家都知道,屏幕保护密码最多为16个字符。微软内置了16字节的密钥:48 EE 76 1D 67 69 A1 1B 7A 8C 47 F8 54 95 97 5F。Windows便用上述密钥加密你输入的密码。其加密过程为:首先将你输入的密码字符逐位转换为其16进制的ASCⅡ码值(小写字母先转为大写字母),再依次与对应密钥逐位进行异或运算,把所得16进制值的每一位当作字符,转换为其16进制ASCII码,并在其尾加上00作为结束标志,存入注册表HKEY_CURRENT_USERControl Paneldesktop下的二进制键ScreenSave_Data中。
懂得其加密原理后,便不难编程破解我的屏幕保护密码(即上网密码)了。本人用VB6.0编制了一读取注册表中ScrrenSave_Data值的函数GetBinaryValue(Entry As String),读出其值为31 43 41 33 33 43 35 35 33 34 32 31 00,去掉其结束标志00,把余下字节转换为对应的ASCII字符,并把每两个字符组成一16进制数:1C A3 3C 55 34 21,显然,密码为6位,将其与前6字节密钥逐一异或后便得出密码的ASCII码(16进制值):54 4D 4A 48 53 48,对应的密码明文为TMJHSH,破解成功!用它拔号一试,呵,立刻传来Modem欢快的叫声。
Option Explicit
Dim Cryptograph As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim k As Integer
Dim CryptographStr(32) As Integer
Dim PWstr As String
Dim PassWord As String
Private Sub Command1_Click()
PWstr = ""
PassWord = ""
Text1.Text =""
Cryptograph = GetBinaryValue("ScreenSave_Data")
k = Len(Cryptograph)
For j = 1 To k - 1
For i = 32 To 126
If Mid(Cryptograph, j, 1) = Chr(i) Then
CryptographStr(j) = i
End If
Next i
Next j
i = (k - 1) / 2 ‘密码位数为(h-1)/2,根据位数选择解密过程。
Select Case i
Case 16
GoTo 16
Case 15
GoTo 15
Case 14
GoTo 14
Case 13
GoTo 13
Case 12
GoTo 12
Case 11
GoTo 11
Case 10
GoTo 10
Case 9
GoTo 9
Case 8
GoTo 8
Case 7
GoTo 7
Case 6
GoTo 6
Case 5
GoTo 5
Case 4
GoTo 4
Case 3
GoTo 3
Case 2
GoTo 2
Case 1
GoTo 1
Case Else
End Select
16: PWstr = PWstr & Chr(("&H" & Chr(CryptographStr(31)) & Chr(CryptographStr(32))) Xor &H5F)
15: PWstr = PWstr & Chr(("&H" & Chr(CryptographStr(29)) & Chr(CryptographStr(30))) Xor &H97)
14: PWstr = PWstr & Chr(("&H" & Chr(CryptographStr(27)) & Chr(CryptographStr(28))) Xor &H95)
13: PWstr = PWstr & Chr(("&H" & Chr(CryptographStr(25)) & Chr(CryptographStr(26))) Xor &H54)
12: PWstr = PWstr & Chr(("&H" & Chr(CryptographStr(23)) & Chr(CryptographStr(24))) Xor &HF8)
11: PWstr = PWstr & Chr(("&H" & Chr(CryptographStr(21)) & Chr(CryptographStr(22))) Xor &H47)
10: PWstr = PWstr & Chr(("&H" & Chr(CryptographStr(19)) & Chr(CryptographStr(20))) Xor &H8C)
9: PWstr = PWstr & Chr(("&H" & Chr(CryptographStr(17)) & Chr(CryptographStr(18))) Xor &H7A)
8: PWstr = PWstr & Chr(("&H" & Chr(CryptographStr(15)) & Chr(CryptographStr(16))) Xor &H1B)
7: PWstr = PWstr & Chr(("&H" & Chr(CryptographStr(13)) & Chr(CryptographStr(14))) Xor &HA1)
6: PWstr = PWstr & Chr(("&H" & Chr(CryptographStr(11)) & Chr(CryptographStr(12))) Xor &H69)
5: PWstr = PWstr & Chr(("&H" & Chr(CryptographStr(9)) & Chr(CryptographStr(10))) Xor &H67)
4: PWstr = PWstr & Chr(("&H" & Chr(CryptographStr(7)) & Chr(CryptographStr(8))) Xor &H1D)
3: PWstr = PWstr & Chr(("&H" & Chr(CryptographStr(5)) & Chr(CryptographStr(6))) Xor &H76)
2: PWstr = PWstr & Chr(("&H" & Chr(CryptographStr(3)) & Chr(CryptographStr(4))) Xor &HEE)
1: PWstr = PWstr & Chr(("&H" & Chr(CryptographStr(1)) & Chr(CryptographStr(2))) Xor &H48)
For i = i To 1 Step -1 ‘所得PWstr的值为密码的倒序列,将其倒置便得出密码。
PassWord = PassWord & Mid(PWstr, i, 1)
Next i
Text1.Text = PassWord ‘在文本框内显示密码。
End Sub
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